• ASOPADEC Office,36 Macaulay street, Umuahia, Abia State

  • Mon - Sat 9:00 am to 6:00 pm

Get Answers

Things You Need To Know

  • Q1. How can my business benefit from AIIP's ecosystem?

    AIIP is designed to foster collaboration, innovation, shared prosperity, industrial growth, networking opportunities and sustainable development across various economic sectors. By locating your business within our ecosystem, you can tap into shared resources and a supportive community.

  • Q2. How do i invest in AIIP ?

    Prospective investors and subscribers can express their interest by contacting AIIP through the official website or other designated communication channels. This initial step allows AIIP to establish communication and gather basic information. Express your interest by clicking on the link -. Invest In AIIP

  • Q3. What Happens after i express interest in AIIP ?

    AIIP's team will conduct a pre-qualification assessment to determine the alignment between the investor's/subscriber's objectives and AIIP's offerings.
    -This assessment ensures that AIIP can provide the desired environment and resources.
    -Upon pre-qualification, AIIP will provide comprehensive information about the park's facilities, benefits, investment opportunities, and subscription options. This will allow potential investors/subscribers to seek additional information and assess their alignment with AIIP's objectives.
    - AIIP will conduct due diligence on each application to ensure compliance with regulatory requirements and alignment with the park's objectives. This may include background checks, financial verification, and legal assessment.

  • Q4. How do i track my investment ?

    Investors/subscribers will undergo an onboarding process, which includes orientation sessions, facility tours, and introductions to AIIP's team members.
    This phase familiarizes them with AIIP's ecosystem, policies, and operational guidelines.
    AIIP will also provide investors/subscribers with access to a dedicated online portal where they can track their investments, access relevant documents, and stay updated on AIIP's developments.

  • Q5. Why should I invest in Abia Industrial Innovation Park?

    Abia Industrial Innovation Park (AIIP) offers investors and subscribers access to domestic and export markets, shared infrastructure, new revenue streams, job creation opportunities, and a supportive ecosystem for growth. We do these through the provision of various resources such as: reliable and affordable power supply, a clean water system, fiber optic copper lines, wide road networks, and 24-hour security and emergency services, on-site management offices and a large pool of qualified workforce.

  • Q6. Where is Abia Industrial Innovation Park (AIIP) located?

    AIIP is a pioneering industrial park located in the Owaza area of Abia State, Nigeria.

  • Q7. What industries are represented in AIIP?

    AIIP features diverse economic clusters, including manufacturing, industrials, logistics, oil and gas, energy, and real estate.

  • Q8. What is the mission and vision of AIIP?

    AIIP's mission is to drive economic growth, foster innovation, and promote sustainability in Nigeria and West Africa. Our vision is to become a leading hub for green energy, technology, and economic advancement.

  • Q9. How can I invest in AIIP or become a subscriber?

    To explore investment opportunities or become a subscriber, please fill out our Expression of Interest (EOI) form. Our team will then guide you through the process.

  • Q10. Who can subscribe to AIIP?

    AIIP caters to all categories of industries and services from light to medium and heavy industries.

  • Q11. What is the minimum lot area for lease/sale in AIIP?

    AIIP’s industrial lots start at 3,000 sqm. Please contact management if you need a smaller area.

  • Q12. What is AIIP's approach to job creation?

    AIIP aims to create new job opportunities across industries, contributing to economic growth and community development.

  • Q13. Is AIIP open to international investors and businesses?

    Yes, AIIP welcomes both local and international investors and businesses to participate in our dynamic ecosystem.

  • Q14. How can I stay updated on AIIP's progress?

    You can subscribe to our newsletter and follow us on social media for the latest updates, events, and news related to AIIP.

  • Q15. Is AIIP involved in community development initiatives?

    Yes, AIIP is committed to uplifting local communities through engagement, education, and empowerment projects.

  • Q16. How can I get in touch with AIIP for further inquiries?

    You can reach out to us through our official website or by emailing info@aiip.com.ng

  • Q17. What infrastructure does AIIP offer to businesses?

    AIIP provides state-of-the-art infrastructure tailored to various industries, including modern facilities, advanced technology, and strategic spaces for growth. Some of these include;
    Two cogeneration power plants: To ensure that all subscribers are provided with clean, reliable, and affordable power supply.
    High-speed Communication System: Through a network of fiber optic lines, Abia Industrial Innovation Park provides dependable voice and data telecommunication services.
    Waste water and Sewer System: A domestic wastewater treatment and sewer system, is available to all park subscribers.
    Clean Water Supply: Water reservoirs are strategically placed throughout the park to ensure a continuous supply of clean water to all park subscribers.
    Wide Road Network: Wide, well-laid out road network that is always safe and maintained.

  • Q18. Does AIIP collaborate with the government?

    Yes, AIIP has a strategic partnership with the Abia State Government, enhancing our capabilities and commitment to sustainable development.

  • Q19. Is AIIP involved in green energy and sustainability initiatives?

    Yes, AIIP is committed to playing a role in Nigeria's green energy transition. We actively participate in the low carbon transition while maintaining economic returns.